Radio Service Comparison

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Radio Service Comparison Chart
CB Radio GMRS HAM Radio
FCC Part 95 FCC Part 95.E FCC Part 97
Free to Use 35$ for 10 yrs 35$ for 10 yrs
Limited Channels in 11 meter band Limited Channels in UHF Band Many Frequencies in many bands
HF-like Propagation on radio to radio local range with ability to set up a repeater without needing coordination Range possibilities are endless with satellites, moon bounce (EME), HF, etc.
Unmoderated Requires only fee for license Requires 35 question multiple choice test for initial license class

Citizens Band

Civilians Band (CB Radio), is widely known as the Truckers radio used in big 18 wheelers. CB Radio today continues to be the cost effective and range capable radio used for truckers communicating when picking up loads from yards, to families travelling long distance, and so much more. These radios while they are cheaper and easier to come by have a wide range of small nuisances that limit range and capabilities.

Most cheap radios you can buy for CB radio come only with the (AM) Amplitude Modulation mode that changes the height of the wavelength as you speak into the radio. CB Radio is considered to be part of the HF bands (3MHz to 30MHz) and has MUCH better propogation and distance when used with a (SSB) Single Sideband Radio that take the Carrier Frequency (Channel you are on) and transmits/receives only the upper or lower half of that frequency's bandwidth give you better performance. Radios made for CB also are limited on their power output limiting their range during times of lower solar activity and night-time hours. CB Radio range is best during the summer, during the day, and when there is a higher solar index.

Another thing to consider when getting CB antennas is to go with the longest antenna you can, the best antennas are usually the 102" whip antennas that can properly transmit and receive with little to no compromise. While other antennas will work bigger antennas will always have the advantage when it comes to HF frequencies. Compare using a small CB antenna to trying to catch an oversized beach ball with a baseball glove. Using the antenna that is tuned to, and the right size for the wavelength with lead to better results.

General Mobile Radio Service

HAM Radio

Information to Come!